October 21, 2005: Crime Falling?
Crime in England and Wales fell by 5% in the 12 months to June 2005 according to latest British Crime Survey (BCS) findings Crime in England and Wales: Quarterly Update to July 2005, which has just been published. The survey also found that the risk of being a victim of crime is at the lowest level for 24 years.
The figures show that in the 12 months to June 2005:
- overall crime fell 5%
- domestic burglary fell 17%
- vehicle thefts fell 10%
- violent crime is stable
Police recorded crime figures from the three months to June 2005 compared with the same period the previous year show:
- total recorded crime fell 2%
- domestic burglary fell 1%
- vehicle thefts fell 8%
- robbery rose 4%
- drug offences rose 25%
- violence against the person rose 6%
- overall violent crime rose 6%