Sex Offenders: UK
CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) looks after the interests of children involved in family proceedings and advises the courts on the children's best interests. CAFCASS works in the family courts.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre works across the UK and internationally to deliver a holistic approach that combines police powers with the dedicated expertise of business sectors, government, specialist charities and other interested organisations - all focused on tackling child sex abuse. It includes details of individual child sex offenders.
The Criminal Records Bureau aims to reduce the risk of abuse by ensuring that those who are unsuitable are not able to work with children and vulnerable adults.
Dangerous Persons Database: ViSOR is a UK-wide system used to store and share information and intelligence on those individuals who have been identified as posing a risk of serious harm to the public.
The NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) specialises in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children. The NSPCC is the only UK children's charity with statutory powers that enable it to take action to safeguard children at risk of abuse.
The Sex Offenders Act (1997) focuses on the notification of information to the police by sex offenders.
Dangerous Persons Database: ViSOR is a UK-wide system used to store and share information and intelligence on those individuals who have been identified as posing a risk of serious harm to the public.
Victoria Climbié Inquiry: Lord Laming's independent, statutory inquiry into the circumstances leading to Victoria Climbié's death, and to recommend action to prevent such a tragedy happening again.
Sex Offenders: International
California Coalition on Sexual Offending was founded to meet California's need for a formally structured resource for professionals working with persons involved in the commission of rape, child sexual abuse, incest, and other forms of sexual assault. It includes members working in law enforcement, criminal justice, mental health, probation, and parole.
The Colorado Bureau of Investigation Convicted Sex Offender site is a collaborative effort by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, local law enforcement, the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, and the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board. Current high-risk registered sex offenders are required to be posted on this website.
The International Center for Missing and Exploited Children works to identify and coordinate a global network of organisations fighting child sexual exploitation and abduction. It serves as a coordinator, facilitator, and enabler by providing counsel, standards, tools, and resources to help maximize the individual and collective effectiveness of agencies worldwide.
Florida Law Enforcement's Sexual Predator/Offender Registry provides information on offenders classified as sexual predators and/or convicted of a crime against children. The information is "made available to interested citizens to help them educate themselves about the possible presence of such offenders in their local communities", and is provided "to assist interested persons in forming their own risk assessments based on the offender's personal circumstances and conviction history."
The New York State Sex Offender Registry site provides an overview of the sex offender registration law and how the public can obtain information about sex offenders.
The Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT) is made up of law enforcement agencies from around the world working together to fight child abuse online. The aim of the VGT is to build an effective, international partnership of law enforcement agencies that helps to protect children from online child abuse.