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News Archives: Index

October 7, 2010: Probation Set For Industrial Action

October 5, 2010: Turning Prisoners Into Taxpayers

October 4, 2010: Murder Changes Now In Force

September 20, 2010: Probation Programmes Face Cuts

August 24, 2010: Victorian Poor Law Records Online

August 10, 2010: Justice Job Cuts

July 28, 2010: Prison Violence Growing

July 22, 2010: Police Numbers: Latest Figures

July 22, 2010: New Jurisdiction Rules

July 16, 2010: CCJS On Prison And Probation Spending Under Labour

July 15, 2010: Latest Statistics On Violent And Sexual Crime

July 15, 2010: Latest National Crime Figures

July 15, 2010: New Chief Prisons Inspector

July 14, 2010: Hard Times Ahead For Prisons: Anne Owers

July 14, 2010: Prison Does Not Work: Ken Clarke

July 13, 2010: Criminal Justice Reform: Sentencing and Rehabilitation

July 13, 2010: Criminal Justice Reform Priorities

July 12, 2010: What Price Public Protection, Asks Probation Chief Inspector

July 12, 2010: NOMS has failed, says Napo

July 10, 2010: IPCC To Investigate Death of Raoul Moat

July 9, 2010: Women In Prison: New Report

July 9, 2009: Unjust Deserts: Imprisonment for Public Protection

July 8, 2010: Police Search Powers Change

July 7, 2010: Make 'Legal High' Illegal, Says ACMD

July 2, 2010: Failing Children In Prison

July 2, 2010: Police Buried Under a Blizzard of Guidance: HMIC

July 1, 2010: Freedom To Change The Law?

June 30, 2010: A New Outlook On Penal Reform?

June 30, 2010: Revolving Door Of Offending Must Stop, Says Clarke

June 30, 2010: Ken Clarke: Speech on Criminal Justice Reform

June 29, 2010: No More Police Targets

June 26, 2010: Family Intervention Projects Questioned

June 25, 2010: Cutting Criminal Justice

June 24, 2010: Napo on Sex Offenders Report

June 23, 2010: Closing Courts: The Cuts Begin

June 23, 2010: Strategy To Tackle Gangs

June 15, 2010: Courts and Mentally Disordered Offenders

June 8, 2010: Working With Muslims in Prison

June 1, 2010: Your Chance To Nominate a QC

January 7, 2005: Howard League Hails Radical Rethink of Prison Work

The Howard League for Penal Reform has welcomed the Home Affairs Select Committee report calling for a radical rethink of the prison regime so that prisoners benefit from a real work experience arising from the Howard League's oral and written evidence.

The Howard League commended the idea that prisoners should be employed by private companies or community organisations. However, it warned that this was a limited objective since private companies work for profitability not social benefit and local community groups tend to concentrate on small scale charitable work. It said that social enterprise should be the foundation for real work by prisoners.

The Howard League is about to open up its Real Work social enterprise to deliver real benefits to victims, communities, charities, taxpayers, employers, businesses, prisoners' families and prisoners themselves.

For the first time ever, prisoners will be paid a real salary (at least the minimum wage) for real work. Employed by the Howard League, prisoners will pay tax, national insurance, make a voluntary donation to Victim Support, contribute towards enriching the prison regime, save for a pension, and save for their release. This will equip prisoners with the skills they need to find gainful employment and take responsibility for themselves and their families on release.

Howard League Director Frances Crook said:

"Prisoners who have employment on release are much less likely to reoffend than those who go to the dole. Our social enterprise will create a virtuous circle: more ex-prisoners employed so less crime, a safer society, more community revenue as prisoners will pay taxes, a contribution to the enterprise economy and society as a whole. At the moment prisons are more likely to ensure that you or I are the next victim - the Howard League for Penal Reform joins with the Home Affairs Select Committee to change this."