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News Archives: Index

October 7, 2010: Probation Set For Industrial Action

October 5, 2010: Turning Prisoners Into Taxpayers

October 4, 2010: Murder Changes Now In Force

September 20, 2010: Probation Programmes Face Cuts

August 24, 2010: Victorian Poor Law Records Online

August 10, 2010: Justice Job Cuts

July 28, 2010: Prison Violence Growing

July 22, 2010: Police Numbers: Latest Figures

July 22, 2010: New Jurisdiction Rules

July 16, 2010: CCJS On Prison And Probation Spending Under Labour

July 15, 2010: Latest Statistics On Violent And Sexual Crime

July 15, 2010: Latest National Crime Figures

July 15, 2010: New Chief Prisons Inspector

July 14, 2010: Hard Times Ahead For Prisons: Anne Owers

July 14, 2010: Prison Does Not Work: Ken Clarke

July 13, 2010: Criminal Justice Reform: Sentencing and Rehabilitation

July 13, 2010: Criminal Justice Reform Priorities

July 12, 2010: What Price Public Protection, Asks Probation Chief Inspector

July 12, 2010: NOMS has failed, says Napo

July 10, 2010: IPCC To Investigate Death of Raoul Moat

July 9, 2010: Women In Prison: New Report

July 9, 2009: Unjust Deserts: Imprisonment for Public Protection

July 8, 2010: Police Search Powers Change

July 7, 2010: Make 'Legal High' Illegal, Says ACMD

July 2, 2010: Failing Children In Prison

July 2, 2010: Police Buried Under a Blizzard of Guidance: HMIC

July 1, 2010: Freedom To Change The Law?

June 30, 2010: A New Outlook On Penal Reform?

June 30, 2010: Revolving Door Of Offending Must Stop, Says Clarke

June 30, 2010: Ken Clarke: Speech on Criminal Justice Reform

June 29, 2010: No More Police Targets

June 26, 2010: Family Intervention Projects Questioned

June 25, 2010: Cutting Criminal Justice

June 24, 2010: Napo on Sex Offenders Report

June 23, 2010: Closing Courts: The Cuts Begin

June 23, 2010: Strategy To Tackle Gangs

June 15, 2010: Courts and Mentally Disordered Offenders

June 8, 2010: Working With Muslims in Prison

June 1, 2010: Your Chance To Nominate a QC

December 14, 2004: Morris Inquiry on Met Police Reports

The Morris Inquiry, an independent inquiry considering professional standards and employment in the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has just issued its Report, which concludes that the MPS lacks a common understanding of diversity.

The Inquiry is chaired by Sir Bill Morris assisted by former South Wales Chief Constable Sir Anthony Burden, and Anesta Weekes QC. It has published a survey designed to provide some quantitative data to support the Inquiry's work.

Throughout the first half of the year, the Inquiry heard from senior MPS officers, the Federation and key individuals. The Inquiry went on patrol with MPS officers, visited London police stations, and attended Hendon Police Training Centre. These visits facilitated informal discussion with Inquiry MPS officers and staff.

The Inquiry noted that they had heard much about the MPS approach to ‘diversity’, which dominated the evidence they received. They were left with the concern that there was no common understanding of diversity in the MPS. They were afraid that it remained, at worse, a source of fear and anxiety and, at best, a process of ticking boxes. They voiced concern that some of the MPS's efforts to promote diversity across the organisation have been counterproductive and that the MPS may now be witnessing the start of a backlash. The Inquiry believed that this would be "catastrophic". The policy, they considered, was right; it is the approach and application which they argue should be reviewed.

The Inquiry also expressed concern that some managers lack the confidence to manage black and minority ethnic officers without being affected by their race. The evidence demonstrated "clear disproportionality in the way black and minority ethnic officers are treated in relation to the management of their conduct". This represents  discrimination which need to be addressed urgently.

The Inquiry's concern was such that they are:

"directing the issue to the attention of the Independent Police Complaints Commission and the Commission for Racial Equality for their consideration"

The Inquiry considered that managers lack confidence in managing other issues of difference, whether of gender, disability, sexual orientation or faith. The evidence also showed that insufficient priority had been given to differences other than race. The Inquiry's conclusion was that:

"Urgent work must be undertaken to build the confidence of managers in managing all aspects of difference, so ensuring that this becomes the golden thread which runs through all areas of the MPS’ activity."

However, in an acknowledgement that the scope of this qualitative research was inevitably limited, a survey was also commissioned on specific areas related to employment and workplace behaviour: job satisfaction; workloads and work-life balance; fairness; equality and diversity; learning and development; line management; resources and the physical working environment; and communication.

A total of 15,616 questionnaires were returned - based on 43,359 officers and staff in the MPS (December 2003), this was a 36 percent response rate.

Less than a third of respondents felt that their contribution was valued. Overall, the MPS does not fared poorly against the Inquiry benchmarks, often failing by a significant margin. Levels of job satisfaction in the MPS were lower than expected.

On the issue of equality, all results fell below Inquiry benchmarks, from perceptions of the MPS’ commitment to equal opportunities through to ratings against equality indicators. Just over half of respondents agreed that the MPS demonstrated that it valued the diversity of its workforce. There was little evident confidence that the MPS is embracing all aspects of diversity, rather than just focusing on ethnicity issues, and little confidence that diversity has yet become part of the MPS’s culture.

The following results of all fell short of the Inquiry benchmarks by significant margins:

  • respondents agreed that the MPS demonstrated that it is committed to equal opportunities for all staff
  •  Only 54% of respondents agreed that the MPS treats people equally regardless of their gender
  • Under half (49%) of all respondents agreed that the MPS treats people equally regardless of their ethnicity.
  • 46% of respondents overall agree that the MPS treats people equally regardless of disability
  • 51% of respondents agree that the MPS treats people equally regardless of their age.

Under half (49%) of all  of respondents agreed that the MPS treats people equally regardless of their ethnicity, again falling significantly short of the Inquiry benchmark. Analysis by ethnicity indicated that Black/Black British respondents and Chinese/Other respondents held the most negative views; only 29% of Black/Black British, and 38% of Chinese/Other respondents agreed that the MPS treats people equally regardless of their race.